Error Codes

Objective: A listing of situational error codes generated by the system

Kloehn Errors

P001 Syringe Ffailed to Initialize

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - non-fatal - If not in initialization this error is received from Kloehn firmware

DIAGNOSIS - During the initialization of the machine, the pump failed to fully initialize. The cause is unclear. The present solution is to perform a software or hardware reset to reboot the pump. If a reboot does not clear the error, the pump may need to be replaced.

P002 Invalid Command

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - Received from Kloehn firmware

DIAGNOSIS - This is a very rare error. It typically indicates either an error in the pump firmware, a developing problem with the pump serial interface or the early stages of a server compact flash failure. It is best handled by letting the root cause escalate.

P003 Invalid Argument

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - received from Kloehn firmware

DIAGNOSIS -This is a very rare error. It typically indicates either an error in the pump firmware, a developing problem with the pump serial interface or the early stages of a server compact flash failure. It is best handled by letting the root cause escalate.

P004 Communication Error

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - received from Kloehn firmware


P005 Invalid "R" Command

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - received from Kloehn firmware


P006 Supply Voltage too Low

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - received from Kloehn firmware


P007 Device not Initialized

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - five consecutive initialize tries failed (P001)


P008 Program in Progress

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean

REMARKS - received from Kloehn firmware

DIAGNOSIS - The server has sent a request to the pump while the prior request is still being processed. The command is not retried. Software is being modified to handle this error.

P009 Syringe Overload

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean


DIAGNOSIS - The server requested a syringe movement and the pump has failed to move the syringe due to an overload on the movement mechanism. The overload has occurred due to three possible conditions: 1 - The syringe movement mechanism is failing and requires repair/replacement; 2 - The syringes have developed excessive friction in the glass tube and require replacement; 3 - A valve failed to move properly and has created excessive back pressure on the syringe. If the condition is a valve movement failure, error codes should be present at the time of this error showing a valve failure (P028, P029, _30).

P010 Valve Overload

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P011 Syringe Move Not Allowed

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P012 Cannot Move Against Limit

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P013 Expanded NVM Failed

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P014 Valve Position Error

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P015 Command Buffer OVerflow

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P016 Use for 3-way Valve Only

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P017 Loops Nested Too Deep

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P018 Program Label Not Found

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P019 End of program not found

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P020 Out of program space

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P021 Home not set

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P022  Too many program calls

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P023 Program not found

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P024 Valve position error

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P025  Syringe position corrupted

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P027  Not used

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean



P028  Move syringe attempt did not return all IO gpios

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Fill, Clean Chamber(Fill)Nightly Clean


DIAGNOSIS - The server has detected that one of valves requested in a move has left the exisitng port but has not arrived at new port within the accepted time window for movement. The server will attempt to move the valves three times before failing the movement and posting a P029 error code. See the Valve Log Data discussion below for finding the specific valve that is failing. The increase in the occurance of this error means that a valve failure is imminent.


Operation Errors

O001 RFID reader failed

RELATED PROCEDURES - Starting a fill

REMARKS - Non-Fatal - Operator will be notified

DIAGNOSIS - If an adapter is seated in the fill chamber, but an rfid code is not received by the server then something wrong happened with the RFID reader

O002   Adapter status is incorrect


REMARKS - Non-Fatal - Operator is not notified

DIAGNOSIS - If the fill adapter is declared "off" at the complete of a fill an error will be reported. The GUI will move the cartridge as if it was removed when the fill chamber door is opened


Startup Errors

S001  Activating IO board
Initialize - The IO board failed to initialize or the Server failed to establish communications with the IO board.
S002  Not used
S003 Initializing digital sensors
S004 Not used
No comment
S005 Not used
No comment
S006 Not used
Initializing Solenoids
S007 Not used
Initializing pumps
S008 Not used
No comment
S009 Not used
No comment
S010 Not used
No comment
S011 Not used
No comment
S012 Not used
No comment
S013 Not used
No comment
S014 Not used
No comment
S015 Not used
No comment
S016 Not used
No comment
S017 Not used
No comment
S019 Not used
No comment
S033  A shutdown has been requested from the human interface

A shutdown has been requested from the human interface

The User has requested a Software Reset or Hardware Shutdown from the GUI. This request may be the result of a failure in one of the procedures and should the nature of the reset should be reviewed with other errors occuring immediately before the S033.

S034  An event representing the start of InkCenter
An event representing the start of the inkcenter - this occurs every time the inkcenter is started.


Tester Errors

T001 Print tester polling error
In Initialize the Tester is powered up by a signal from the IO board to the AC/DC board. This error can be caused by two possible conditions: 1 - the IO board failed to initialize and failed to initialize the Print Tester; 2 - the Print Tester did fail and requires a controller board replacement.
T002  Driver test error
Tester error


Vacuum Errors

V001 Vacuum measured at Separator < 5in /hg

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, HP45 Fill, Drain(Prep), Prime(Prep)


DIAGNOSIS - In Initialize, this is a check of the vacuum pump. Either the Wand is open or the Pump cannot create an adequate vacuum.

V002  Vacuum measured at seoarator < 14.4in/hg

RELATED PROCEDURES - Initialize, Prepare Chamber(Fill)


DIAGNOSIS - In Initialize, this error should never occur without a V001 preceding it. In Prepare Chamber, this is a Wand Leak Test failure. Either the Wand is open or the Pump cannot create an adrequate vacuum.

V003  Vacuum measured a prep station > 3 before opening vacuum valve
Drain(Prep), Prep(Prep), Prime(Prep)  --- Usually indicates a bad vacuum solenoid valve at the prep station
with 3.48 update now deploying the threshold is changing to 13 from 14.4 the V004 is a “quiet” error that only goes to the logs and database
V005  Moderate chamber leak


REMARKS - as >0.01inHg/sec, or 0.1 inHg over the 10 second decay test. This is also a quiet error that will not be operator-visible.

DIAGNOSIS - Not visible to operator. Same as V005 but the decay must be at least 0.01inHg/s to trigger this error.

V006 Severe chamber leak


REMARKS - severe is defined as >0.1inHg/sec, or 1.0 inHg over the 10 second decay test. This error will stop the machine from running the fill and require immediate service.

DIAGNOSIS -  Will at least cancel the fill and display error to user. Chamber pressure decay is measured for 10 seconds immediately after the chamber reaches full pressure. If the decay exceeds 0.1inHg/s this error will be raised.

V007 Prep vent valve not opening

Visible to operator. Early in the prep process the pressure drop caused by opening the prep vent valve is measured. If it is less than 2inHg this error is raised. Update- make this silent error(5/16/13)
V008 Cannot reach 25.5 when max vacuum is requested

Prepare chamber

Max Value was asked for and it hasn't gotten higher than 25.5


Waste Errors

W001  Waste full sensor reads "full" after running waste drain routine