Using the Tech Pane


Understanding the TechPane video (9 minutes) 320x240

Understanding the TechPane video (9 minutes) 640X480



Step 1:

Log in at a technician with the login code 741963 (unlike other login codes this one allows the Tech Pane to be seen)

Step 2:

Navigate to the Tech Pane by selecting the Tech Pane tab in the upper right side of the dropdown menu


How to read the tech pane:

  • Green can represent a component being on, or open, or the switch being activated, Red is the opposite state of Green. 
  • Vacuum lines are Green, Fluid lines are Blue.
  • There are 4 vents, one for each prep station, and one for the 15/45 station and the last for the Chamber.
  • Valves are semicircles with a bowtie.
  • The transducer measures vacuum pressure and it is identified by the yellow Circle with a V in the center of it.
  • If the rinse tank or separator turns yellow or red, the level sensor has been activated.
  • 4 indicators for adapter sensors and switches.  The 2 prep stations, 15/45 station and fill chamber will change from red to green when adapter is installed.  15/45 station has micro switch to identify the presence of the cartridge.

Step 4:

Basic Tests

  • Touching vacuum pump icon will change it from red to green and turn on pump
  • Opening the Chamber door will change status of indicator to red
  • If the waste becomes full, the Separator status will change from Grey to yellow (waste warning – triggers the waste drain process), then red (waste full – I/O board turns off the vacuum pump, system vents opens). Way to test – fill and drain
  • The rinse tank will turn from green to red if fluid level is low.
  • The regulator and water trap will not indicate a change state
  • Insert adapter in each of the following to make sure sensor detects adapter.
    • Prep A
    • Prep B
    • Fill Chamber
  • Remove and reinsert black injector to test the proximity sensor
  • Pull down on drill handle and verify proper operation, icon in lower right of tech pane to indicate drill on/off.
  • Drill should not have excessive wobble, adjust as needed.

Tech Pane Automated Tests:

In the lower right of tech pane, you will see a gray ”test” button.  Selecting that button will display some automatic test for you to run.


  • Syringe Calibration is used whenever a syringe, rotary valve or the infusion pump is replaced
  • Syringe Leak test is used to find leaky syringes or blocked injectors or malfunctioning valves
  • Chamber leak will draw max pressure on the fill chamber, hold it for 10 seconds and check to see if there is any decay.  No decay is preferred but .1 in/Hg is acceptable.
  • Separator Vacuum is used to check the pressure at the separator and see the amount of pressure decay over a 10 second timeframe.  Less than 2 in/Hg per 10 seconds is acceptable, but the test will fail any rate >1 in/Hg/10sec
  • Prep flow A and B test will turn on vacuum, then fluid, the remove the fluid in the prep station.  Improper flow could be caused by blocked port holes or a clogged prep filter. Make sure fluid is being vacuumed by all 6 outside holes in the prep station.