Objective: To provide guidance on testing and troubleshooting prep station components
1. Remove Work Surface
2. Identifying Prep Station Components
There are 3 solenoids used for each prep station
3. Inspect Prep Seal and Latch
4. Visual Inspection of Fluid Sense board and pan
Inspect the following for proper installation and operation
Any cleaning solution in the catch pan
5. Log in as Technician
6. Navigate to Tech Pane
7. Automated test
8. Manual Prep flow test
9. Manual Reed Sensor Test
Insert every adapter in each prep station to make sure sensor detects adapter.
10. Electrical check of Solenoids
Each Prep Station uses 3 solenoids. It has 2 solenoids attached to it and a third on the waste vacuum manifold.
11. Testing Vent Valve
12. Testing connection to I/O board
13. Verify Operation
Each week we post service updates for those breaking and timely issues we see out in the field.