Interconnect Board Replacement Procedure

  • Remove the black plastic tester cover.
  • Remove the four T-10 screws holding the interconnect board using the provided T-10 Allen wrench. (Red arrows below)

  • Remove the old board by pulling it straight out and off the dowel pins.
  • Put the old board aside
  • There is one connector at the back of the interconnect board and the tester. They are keyed and will only plug in one way.  Hint: If you can read the writing on the front of the interconnect board, it is orientated correctly.
  • Slip the new board over the dowel pins then use the 4 T-10 screws to refasten to the tester assembly. Please keep the T-10 Allen wrench and discard the damaged board.
  • Replace the tester cover.

Please contact RIS at 888-231-9379 with any issues or questions. Return Defective Interconnect Board Using Return Label Provided.

DOWNLOAD:  Interconnect Board Replacement Procedure  PDF (do not attempt to download the PDF if you are currently viewing this on the InkCenter.